Oh yes, it can happen. Lightning can strike three times in one place. First strike - zap!- Grandma Sue is down! Her cold hit her hard and yet she was able to finish her craft and work her night before she went completely down.
Second strike - zap! - Ms. Nissa's down. Her cold hit her hard also but she finished training classes and came in to work her night before she went completely down.
Third strike - zap! - Ms. Lois is down. I was able to finish my night but that was it. Down I went!
The good news is that we are all recovering. Sadly, I missed my Tuesday story time. Grandma Sue and Ms. Nissa are back and I hope to be there tomorrow.
So that's it. Lightning can strike three times in one place. Either that or the same kid sneezed on all three of us. I'm sticking to the lightning theory. :)
Joke of the day: What kind of jokes do people with colds tell?
Answer: Sick jokes!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
May Day
May Day is May 1st. Has anyone celebrated this at school? I remember celebrating it with a pole dance that the whole school would participate in. It looked very much like this picture. I don't hear much about this day anymore and was curious if they do this in school anymore. Leave a comment and enlighten me please!
This is a Wikipedia definition:
May Day was also celebrated by some early European settlers of the American continent. In some parts of the United States, May Day baskets are made. These baskets are small and usually filled with flowers or treats are left at someone's doorstep. When you ring the bell, you are supposed to run away.
Modern May Day ceremonies in the U.S. vary greatly from region to region and many unite both the holiday's "Green Root" (pagan) and "Red Root" (labor) traditions[4] Among the largest is the May Day Parade and Pageant created by In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre, an event that has happened every year since 1974 in Minneapolis and now attracts some 35,000 people.
Have a great May Day on May 1st and please don't forget to come into the library next week. I can't believe next week is May. Then comes June and you all know what happens then - THE SUMMER READING PROGRAM!!!! Hooray! That's my favorite time of year.
Joke of the day:
knock, knock
Who's there?
Little old lady.
Little old lady who?
I didn't know you could yodel!
This is a Wikipedia definition:
May Day was also celebrated by some early European settlers of the American continent. In some parts of the United States, May Day baskets are made. These baskets are small and usually filled with flowers or treats are left at someone's doorstep. When you ring the bell, you are supposed to run away.
Modern May Day ceremonies in the U.S. vary greatly from region to region and many unite both the holiday's "Green Root" (pagan) and "Red Root" (labor) traditions[4] Among the largest is the May Day Parade and Pageant created by In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre, an event that has happened every year since 1974 in Minneapolis and now attracts some 35,000 people.
Have a great May Day on May 1st and please don't forget to come into the library next week. I can't believe next week is May. Then comes June and you all know what happens then - THE SUMMER READING PROGRAM!!!! Hooray! That's my favorite time of year.
Joke of the day:
knock, knock
Who's there?
Little old lady.
Little old lady who?
I didn't know you could yodel!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Kite Craft!

Our craft with Grandma Sue went very well today. There weren't a whole lot of people but those who were there had fun and had lots of help. We were all amazed how well these children colored, especially the 3 year old girl in the picture who colored inside of the lines. Truth be told she colors better than I do. But then I've told you about how I'm not so great at crafts...
Tomorrow is the homework center from 4:00-5:00pm. They have a big new sign set up where you see it when you come into the library. Some don't think it's big enough. What do you think?
Joke for the day: Why couldn't Batman go fishing?
Answer: Because Robin ate all the worms. :)
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Story Time 4/22/08

Hey,hey, we had a great time this morning. These children are part of our Tuesday morning story time. We heard stories, sang songs, had a flannel board story, did finger plays and much more. The last story/song we did was one of my all time favorites. It's called "Love Can Build a Bridge" by Naomi Judd. The pictures in the book went with a tape we played with the "Judds" singing the song. I love doing this book/song with young children because they really "get" it. My great hope for these Pomona children is that they learn young how to share, to be inclusive with others, and value peace so by the time they are old enough to join the Youth and Family Master Plan they can truly make a difference. I guess that's a big dream for such young children but they are the future of Pomona and I like what I see.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Kite Craft

>Our monthly craft time is nearly here! This is the kite you all will be making. This Wednesday Grandma Sue will be showing you how to make kites. I say Grandma Sue will show you because crafts are very confusing for me. Let's just say I have no talent in this area. Let's just say Grandma Sue asks me not to help. :)
What: Kite craft
When: Wednesday April 23, 2008
Time: 3:00pm
Enjoy making your kite and then go on into the story hour room to get free homework help. The homework center will be open 4:00-6:00pm.
Jokes for the day:
What happened when the English teacher's dictionary was stolen?
Answer: She was at a loss for words!
What happened to the student who swallowed the dictionary?
Answer: The school nurse couldn't get a word out of him. :)
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Ms. Nissa and Grandma Sue

This is Ms. Nissa and Grandma Sue having fun at Ms. Nissa's party. Digital camera's are so fun, especially when you are the one with the camera!
Jokes for the day: Did you hear the story about the skunk?
Answer: Never mind, it stinks.
What did the duck say when he'd finished shopping?
Answer: Put it on my bill please.
What's the difference between a fish and a piano?
Answer: You can't tuna fish.
See you all on Monday. :)
Our Cat - Headed Library Director!

Our library director, Greg Shapton, was seen Tuesday morning sporting a cat head. We were thrilled! Before we opened that day, we had a party for our supervisor Nissa Perez-Montoya. She officially passed probation and we were happy campers.
Our department loves cats (most of the pictures on our blog are of cats)and so he graced his presence with us with a cat. What a great guy!
Congratulations, Ms.Nissa, for passing probation. May we have many more years to come!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Bigger Homework Center Picture.

I do realize this is the same picture I posted earlier, but I wanted you to be able to see it better. The smaller size didn't do it justice. Be sure to read the earlier post to learn about the homework center.
Another joke of the day: What would you get if you crossed a book of nursery rhymes and an orange?
Answer: Mother Juice :)
Story time tots

These are two loyal story time patrons with their Moms. I got their permission to blog them and hopefully next week I'll have a group picture for those who want to participate.
In story time we read books, sing songs, dance, do finger plays, have flannel stories, and in general have a good time. These pictures are two of the patrons from the Tuesday 10:15am story time. We also have Wednesdays with Ms. Nissa and Thursday infant story time with Grandma Sue.
Joke of the day: Where is the best place to find books about trees?
Answer: In a branch library. :)
Homework Center Opening

This is a picture of the Homework Center open house. The homework center is staffed by Cal Poly Pomona students and is going very well. If you need free homework help, this is the place to go. The center is open Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 4:00-6:00pm.
This is officially the first picture that I have posted with my very own digital camera! Be warned that I have many more to come. Ms. Nissa says she created a monster! :)
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
I finally own a digital camera!
It finally happened! I am a proud owner of a new digital camera. I came into work warning my co-workers that I was armed and dangerous. It's true. I have some pretty funny pictures that I'll never put on this blog. That is if I want to keep my job. I do.
We had a wonderful open house yesterday for our homework center. We had important people come from Cal Poly and at least one Pomona council person. (Someone had a Presidential sighting but I doubt it. Elvis may have been here too...) But the important thing is that these people put their time and energy to make sure our homework center happened. The reward is that our children now have a place to get help for free, and they are loving it. The room was packed with children yesterday and I've never seen such animation from children who are doing homework!
If you haven't taken advantage of this, please come in and check it out. It's an amazing sight to see.
Hopefully, I'll post some pictures of this event. I need someone to show me how to do it. You can teach on old dog new tricks, it just takes awhile. :) I just found out that the homework center has had a change in hours. Wednesday hours will also be 4:00-6:00pm. It's easier to remember that the hours are Tuesday-Thursday 4-6pm.
Joke of the day: What is the world's tallest building?
Answer: The library. It has the most stories.
We had a wonderful open house yesterday for our homework center. We had important people come from Cal Poly and at least one Pomona council person. (Someone had a Presidential sighting but I doubt it. Elvis may have been here too...) But the important thing is that these people put their time and energy to make sure our homework center happened. The reward is that our children now have a place to get help for free, and they are loving it. The room was packed with children yesterday and I've never seen such animation from children who are doing homework!
If you haven't taken advantage of this, please come in and check it out. It's an amazing sight to see.
Hopefully, I'll post some pictures of this event. I need someone to show me how to do it. You can teach on old dog new tricks, it just takes awhile. :) I just found out that the homework center has had a change in hours. Wednesday hours will also be 4:00-6:00pm. It's easier to remember that the hours are Tuesday-Thursday 4-6pm.
Joke of the day: What is the world's tallest building?
Answer: The library. It has the most stories.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Celebrate! National Library Week
April 13-15, 2008 is National Library Week. Wherever you live, take time to go into your local Public Library. Get reacquainted with it and check out a book that looks good. Of course you should do this more than once a year but we live in a busy world.
Chase's Calendar of Events explains this event:
"A national observance sponsored by the American Library Association. Celebrates libraries and librarians, the pleasures and importance of reading and invites library use and support."
So come on in and celebrate with us.
Tuesday story time: 10:15am
Wednesday Grandparents and Books 3:30pm
Thursday infant story time 10:00am
Wacky Library Books:
"I Can Do Anything" by Will Power
"How to Get Along With Your Sister" by Sharon Sharealike
"Jewelry Collecting" by Pearl Nicholas
"The Unfinished Story" by Cliff Hanger
"You Don't Say" by Ida Clare
"Oops, I Did It Again" by Miss Take
"Embarrassed in the Shower" by Kurt N. Fell
See you soon! By the way, Ms. Nissa calls me a "blogalarian". It has a nice ring to it!
Chase's Calendar of Events explains this event:
"A national observance sponsored by the American Library Association. Celebrates libraries and librarians, the pleasures and importance of reading and invites library use and support."
So come on in and celebrate with us.
Tuesday story time: 10:15am
Wednesday Grandparents and Books 3:30pm
Thursday infant story time 10:00am
Wacky Library Books:
"I Can Do Anything" by Will Power
"How to Get Along With Your Sister" by Sharon Sharealike
"Jewelry Collecting" by Pearl Nicholas
"The Unfinished Story" by Cliff Hanger
"You Don't Say" by Ida Clare
"Oops, I Did It Again" by Miss Take
"Embarrassed in the Shower" by Kurt N. Fell
See you soon! By the way, Ms. Nissa calls me a "blogalarian". It has a nice ring to it!
Friday, April 11, 2008
homework help
We have some good news from our Homework Center. They are now helping students in grades 1 through 6. They started out with just grades 3 through 6 but now feel they can open up to more grades. We are hearing such great things about this center so please come in and take advantage of this free offer.
Joke of the day: Why was the dinosaur afraid to go back to the library?
Answer: It's books were 60 million years overdue. (We'd be OK with that if it just paid it's fine.) :)
Joke of the day: Why was the dinosaur afraid to go back to the library?
Answer: It's books were 60 million years overdue. (We'd be OK with that if it just paid it's fine.) :)
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Spring break is almost over ...
Everything must come to an end. Even spring break. A lot of you came through the library this week. We haven't been this busy since the Summer Reading Program!
It could be possible that you may, just may, have put off doing your homework. It has happened. Fear not! It's not too late! We are open Friday and Saturday from 12pm to 5pm.
The most popular question this week has been students needing a Newbery winning book. At this point, we do not shelve the Newbery or the Caldecott books in a special area. They are shelved in the fiction or non-fiction areas but are marked with a strip of blue tape and a strip of red tape. We can easily show you where they are.
I have good news! One of the mothers who brings her children to our homework center told me that her son has raised his grades from D's to A's in just three weeks! (I'm really not trying to sound like a commercial.) She brings her children here twice a week and she said they love coming in to work with a Cal Poly Pomona student. They get one on one attention and it has really made a difference for them.
This program is a winning situation for both the children and the college students. The younger children love the attention and the college students learn skills that will help them in many aspects of their life.
Come on in and improve your grades. Your parents will love it!
It could be possible that you may, just may, have put off doing your homework. It has happened. Fear not! It's not too late! We are open Friday and Saturday from 12pm to 5pm.
The most popular question this week has been students needing a Newbery winning book. At this point, we do not shelve the Newbery or the Caldecott books in a special area. They are shelved in the fiction or non-fiction areas but are marked with a strip of blue tape and a strip of red tape. We can easily show you where they are.
I have good news! One of the mothers who brings her children to our homework center told me that her son has raised his grades from D's to A's in just three weeks! (I'm really not trying to sound like a commercial.) She brings her children here twice a week and she said they love coming in to work with a Cal Poly Pomona student. They get one on one attention and it has really made a difference for them.
This program is a winning situation for both the children and the college students. The younger children love the attention and the college students learn skills that will help them in many aspects of their life.
Come on in and improve your grades. Your parents will love it!
homework center,
spring break
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Story Time
Wow! Did we have fun today? Yes we did! I love spring break because not only are we really busy but I get to see story time "graduates" who have gone on to either preschool or to kindergarten. This picture is not our story time but it could be. I'm not quite into the digital age yet but I will be!
We have new play equipment that we got through a grant called ELF (Early Learning Families). We put toys throughout the children's room and we have special toys to use after story time. The favorite so far is our backpacks filled with learning toys for children to play with their parents or caregivers. This lengthens the time at the library and gives more one on one time with the parent or care giver. We have added another toddler time on Wednesdays and an infant story time on Thursday mornings. We have board books and baby toys for the infants and it is fun to watch this group interact.
So come on in. There is much to see and do. We have board books and picture books to introduce Laura Ingalls Wilder to the very young.
Joke for the day:
Whose there?
Foe who?
Foe me? You shouldn't have!
We have new play equipment that we got through a grant called ELF (Early Learning Families). We put toys throughout the children's room and we have special toys to use after story time. The favorite so far is our backpacks filled with learning toys for children to play with their parents or caregivers. This lengthens the time at the library and gives more one on one time with the parent or care giver. We have added another toddler time on Wednesdays and an infant story time on Thursday mornings. We have board books and baby toys for the infants and it is fun to watch this group interact.
So come on in. There is much to see and do. We have board books and picture books to introduce Laura Ingalls Wilder to the very young.
Joke for the day:
Whose there?
Foe who?
Foe me? You shouldn't have!
Monday, April 7, 2008
I'm Back!
It is great to be back! Since you are all on spring break, spring on into the library. A lot of you were in today and all the computers were filled! This is a good week for you to catch up on homework or get ahead. It's also a good week just to read for fun. We're ready for you. New books for both children and YA's have been put out on our new books shelf. Check it out! (Literally.)
For the preschool set, the month of April is as follows:
Tuesday story time: 10:15am with Ms. Lois is on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th. We meet every Tuesday unless we are closed.
Wednesday toddler time: 10:00am with Ms. Nissa is on the 9th only. Ms. Nissa will start up again May 14th.
Thursday infant story time with Grandma Sue is on April 10th, & 17th.
She begins again May 1st.
So come on in to either catch up, move ahead or to read for fun.
Joke for the day: Why are kindergarten teachers so great?
Answer: Because they know how to make little things count!
For the preschool set, the month of April is as follows:
Tuesday story time: 10:15am with Ms. Lois is on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th. We meet every Tuesday unless we are closed.
Wednesday toddler time: 10:00am with Ms. Nissa is on the 9th only. Ms. Nissa will start up again May 14th.
Thursday infant story time with Grandma Sue is on April 10th, & 17th.
She begins again May 1st.
So come on in to either catch up, move ahead or to read for fun.
Joke for the day: Why are kindergarten teachers so great?
Answer: Because they know how to make little things count!
Friday, April 4, 2008
Love this sign!
Wouldn't this be great to have in our library? This is actually at the Seattle Public Library. Yesterday I visited a friend in Indio, California. She took me to her library out there. While it wasn't as fabulous as our library, it was nice to visit and see what other libraries are doing. Right now they are doing the In-N-Out Food for Thought reading program. We do that in the fall. Their children's section was way off to the side and they didn't even have a children's librarian working. The YA section was quite small as well. On the good side, their adult room was large and had quite a few public computers. The new books were located in the front where you come in. I left with the thought that it was a nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to work there. :)
I will be so glad to get back to work on Monday! I miss seeing your smiling faces. Please make sure to come in next week. Your parents may need to come in to get tax forms so come on over to Childrens and say hey to us. It really brightens our day!
I will be so glad to get back to work on Monday! I miss seeing your smiling faces. Please make sure to come in next week. Your parents may need to come in to get tax forms so come on over to Childrens and say hey to us. It really brightens our day!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Happy April Fool's Day!
Hey children & teens,
This is just to let you know that we decided to throw away all of our books. The computers are such a disappointment that they are going as well. We've canceled story time and this blog was a real bad idea.
I'm having a mid life crisis and I have decided to become a break dancer. Grandma Sue is going into construction work and Ms. Nissa has just signed up to be a presidential candidate for the democratic party.
Our teen section will be turned into a haven for the homeless and the children's area will be gutted and turned into a theater and will offer free popcorn. There will be however no sodas allowed under any circumstances!
APRIL FOOLS! Wow that was fun! April fools seems to be the only day where lying is acceptable. Actually it's only acceptable if you know people can see right through you.
Have a great day. We at the library have been laughing all morning!
This is just to let you know that we decided to throw away all of our books. The computers are such a disappointment that they are going as well. We've canceled story time and this blog was a real bad idea.
I'm having a mid life crisis and I have decided to become a break dancer. Grandma Sue is going into construction work and Ms. Nissa has just signed up to be a presidential candidate for the democratic party.
Our teen section will be turned into a haven for the homeless and the children's area will be gutted and turned into a theater and will offer free popcorn. There will be however no sodas allowed under any circumstances!
APRIL FOOLS! Wow that was fun! April fools seems to be the only day where lying is acceptable. Actually it's only acceptable if you know people can see right through you.
Have a great day. We at the library have been laughing all morning!
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