Welcome to the Laura Ingalls Wilder Children's Room!

Ms. Clara Webber was the first children's librarian of Pomona Public Library. A long time correspondent with Mrs. Laura Ingalls Wilder, she was instrumental in having the Children's Room named in honor of Mrs. Wilder on May 25, 1950. Today, we house the original hand written manuscript for the novel Little Town on the Prairie. Every February, we host the Laura Ingalls Wilder Sociable in honor of Mrs. Wilder's February 7th birthday.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I finally own a digital camera!

The new digital camera
Originally uploaded by ZardozSpeaks
It finally happened! I am a proud owner of a new digital camera. I came into work warning my co-workers that I was armed and dangerous. It's true. I have some pretty funny pictures that I'll never put on this blog. That is if I want to keep my job. I do.

We had a wonderful open house yesterday for our homework center. We had important people come from Cal Poly and at least one Pomona council person. (Someone had a Presidential sighting but I doubt it. Elvis may have been here too...) But the important thing is that these people put their time and energy to make sure our homework center happened. The reward is that our children now have a place to get help for free, and they are loving it. The room was packed with children yesterday and I've never seen such animation from children who are doing homework!

If you haven't taken advantage of this, please come in and check it out. It's an amazing sight to see.

Hopefully, I'll post some pictures of this event. I need someone to show me how to do it. You can teach on old dog new tricks, it just takes awhile. :) I just found out that the homework center has had a change in hours. Wednesday hours will also be 4:00-6:00pm. It's easier to remember that the hours are Tuesday-Thursday 4-6pm.

Joke of the day: What is the world's tallest building?
Answer: The library. It has the most stories.

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