Welcome to the Laura Ingalls Wilder Children's Room!

Ms. Clara Webber was the first children's librarian of Pomona Public Library. A long time correspondent with Mrs. Laura Ingalls Wilder, she was instrumental in having the Children's Room named in honor of Mrs. Wilder on May 25, 1950. Today, we house the original hand written manuscript for the novel Little Town on the Prairie. Every February, we host the Laura Ingalls Wilder Sociable in honor of Mrs. Wilder's February 7th birthday.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Story time tots

These are two loyal story time patrons with their Moms. I got their permission to blog them and hopefully next week I'll have a group picture for those who want to participate.

In story time we read books, sing songs, dance, do finger plays, have flannel stories, and in general have a good time. These pictures are two of the patrons from the Tuesday 10:15am story time. We also have Wednesdays with Ms. Nissa and Thursday infant story time with Grandma Sue.

Joke of the day: Where is the best place to find books about trees?
Answer: In a branch library. :)


Anonymous said...

Abby LOVES story hour! She has truly blossomed!

Ms. Lois said...

Abby's a sweetheart!