Today is the last day of our reading buddies. We have had 135 children read with 29 high school and college mentors! A mentor and a student would sit together in our story hour room and practice reading for 30 minutes. It is such a great program and is very rewarding to both student and mentor. We are so proud of our mentors (who volunteered their time) that we are having a pizza party for them today. Hooray for the Reading Buddies Program!!
Remember there is just one more week to be able to turn in your reading hours. The following week we will have our talent show and the week after that we have our end of the reading program party with Buster Balloon. If you were here last year you KNOW how incredible Buster is. He makes these intricate balloon figures and for the finale he blows up this huge "whoopie cushion" and gets INSIDE it!!
So come on in and experience the fun for yourselves. Thanks to all of you who have come in and made this reading program the best it can be. You are wonderful!!
Joke of the day: How did the lobster become a lawyer?
Answer: It went to claw school! ;)
Ms. Lois,
Are the reading hours linked to a prize or reward system?
Yes, Ed. We keep track of each child's hours that they read. For example, when a child has finished reading 5 hours, they get a book bag and a free coupon to go to skate express.
10 hours: sticker sheet and a boomer's certificate for either a miniature golf game or a free personal pizza
15 hours: Door hanger and a round table pizza coupon (these are running low)
20 hours: 1 book to keep and 1 pass to a Rancho Cucamonga Quakes baseball game
25 hours: 1 free book to keep and 1 swim pass to either Washington or Ganesha Park Pools.
Teens require five more hours of reading to get all these prizes.
It's a heck of a deal and if the kids are reading this summer they might as well get rewarded!
Kids program are ages 0-12, teens ages 13-18.
Thanks for asking!
Thanks for bringing Swazzle to Pomona! I do love them so - it's so nice to see puppetry supported here.
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