Welcome to the Laura Ingalls Wilder Children's Room!

Ms. Clara Webber was the first children's librarian of Pomona Public Library. A long time correspondent with Mrs. Laura Ingalls Wilder, she was instrumental in having the Children's Room named in honor of Mrs. Wilder on May 25, 1950. Today, we house the original hand written manuscript for the novel Little Town on the Prairie. Every February, we host the Laura Ingalls Wilder Sociable in honor of Mrs. Wilder's February 7th birthday.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Laura Ingalls Wilder Sociable Coming February 7, 2009

Good Thursday young Pomonans! The countdown to our Sociable is officially on! Forty three years ago the first Children's Librarian of the Pomona Public Library began a wonderful tradition in celebrating the birthday of Laura Ingalls Wilder. Her birthday was February 7,1867 and one hundred years later on February 5, 1967 the first sociable was celebrated here at the Pomona Public Library. Eight years later Melissa Sue Anderson, who played Mary in the television series of Little House on the Prairie, came to our sociable and signed autographs. We have a picture of her which I will post again soon.

This year Ken Frawley and Christy Lewis will tell cowboy stories and songs and will perform their trick roping. It will be great fun because we make it great fun! Your participation will make it even greater fun! How much fun is that? A lot!!

KEEP THIS DATE ON YOUR CALENDARS: FEBRUARY 7, 2009 FROM 1:00-4:00PM. We will have a big birthday cake, punch, and a craft. Grandma Sue will help you make a Conestoga wagon. I will also post that picture again.


Joke of the day: How does a cowboy catch a herd of runaway eyeballs?
Answer: He lash-oes them! :)

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