It has been very busy and very exciting here at the Pomona Public Libray! Many of you have come in to sign up for the Summer Reading Program and to the crafts and to our programs. Everything here is free and the air conditioning is wonderful! It's the best deal in town. As of now, 677 children have signed up and 112 teens have signed up, for a total of 789 readers! We are hoping to top 1,000 this year so come in and let that happen.
Today's picture is a picture of the craft that Grandma Sue will be doing tomorrow. It's a space bug! Cute isn't it? Here is a list of activities this week:
Tuesday 7/15/08:
12:15pm Preschool story time
12:00-5:00pm Reading Buddies
3:30: Space Bug Craft
Wednesday 7/16/08:
12:00-5:00pm Reading Buddies
3:30pm Wonders of Wildlife
(This is an animal program were they bring real animals and bugs. One time they made me eat a mealworm. I hope they don't do that again!)
Thursday 7/17/08:
12:00-5:00pm Reading Buddies
12:15pm Infant story time
Come on in and join the fun. This is really the best part of the year for us because we get to see you more often. Have a great week!
Joke for the Day: When is a basketball player like a baby?
Answer: When he dribbles! :)
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