Good day, young Pomonans! Our big read is finally here. This year's book is: "Call of the Wild" by Jack London. This picture is a picture of the book. We all love animals and I'm sure you will enjoy this book. Our children are beginning the big read tomorrow with P.A.W.P.A.L.S. (see previous entry.) The following is the library's schedule of involvement in the big read. For the whole schedule, please go to our
Big Read calendar (www.neabigread.org/communities/?community_id=2024).Family and Youth Events:
Pomona Public Library 625 S. Garey Ave., Pomona
-Saturday October 10, 1:00-3:00pm P.A.W.P.A.L.S. Children will be paired with a dog to read aloud a storybook.
-Thursday October 15 and Saturday October 17, 2:00-4:00pm "Call of the Wild" Bingo. All ages are welcome, prizes will be given and reader's guides to "Call of the Wild" will be given out.
-Saturday October 17, 2:00-4:00pm Adventures in Dog Sledding (Civic Center Plaza in front of the Library.) Adventure Quest Institute will provide a high energy, humorous, hands on, educational dog sled program. Displays include a dogsled, snowshoes, artic boots and parkas to help bring literature to life.
Special Event:
Pomona Public Library 625 S. Garey Ave., Pomona
-Saturday , November 14, 2:00-3:00pm
Tracing Jack London's Family Tree
Richard Piepho, Pomona Valley Genealogical Society will discuss the family history of Jack London.
JUST FOR TEENS:-October 16-November 19 at the Pomona Public Library 625 S. Garey Ave., Pomona
Big Read Teen Walk on the Wild Side Essay Challenge. Teens (grades 8-12) are invited to participate in an essay challenge by decribing their chosen wolf pack--Buck's pack from Jack London's "Call of the Wild", or Jacob Black's from Stephanie Meyer's "New Moon." Several prizes will be awarded.
Adult Book Discussions:
(All attendess wil receive a copy of "Call of the Wild" and a reader's guide)
Pomona Public Library 625 S. Garey Ave.
-Wednesday, October 14, 1:00-3:00pm Discussion of "Call of the Wild"
-Wednesday, October 21, 1:00-3:00pm Discussion of "Murder on the Itarod Trail"
-Thursday, November 5, 6:00-7:30pm Discussion of "Call of the Wild"
Spanish Book Discussions:
Pomona Public Library 625 S. Garey Avenue, Pomona
-Saturday October 17, 12:00-1:00pm
A librarian will lead a book discussion of "Call of the Wild" in Spanish.
Ongoing Displays and Programs:
Visit the Pomona Public Library to check out a copy of "Call of the Wild", pick up a readers guide and watch for special Big Read displays at the library and all around the city during October and November.
The Big Read is a very special time in Pomona. We come together from all walks of life to read great literature and discuss it from all viewpoints. Be sure to come to any of the events around the city so your voice can be heard.
Joke of the day: What's a scientist's favorite dog?
Answer: The Lab. ;)