Welcome to the Laura Ingalls Wilder Children's Room!

Ms. Clara Webber was the first children's librarian of Pomona Public Library. A long time correspondent with Mrs. Laura Ingalls Wilder, she was instrumental in having the Children's Room named in honor of Mrs. Wilder on May 25, 1950. Today, we house the original hand written manuscript for the novel Little Town on the Prairie. Every February, we host the Laura Ingalls Wilder Sociable in honor of Mrs. Wilder's February 7th birthday.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Homework Center Closing for Three Weeks

Happy Friday young Pomonans! As you can see, our homework help center will be closed for three weeks. It as to do with Cal Poly's spring break and your spring break being on two different weeks. They also have to get more volunteers to help staff the center. So for a couple of weeks you are on your own but it will open again in April.

Joke of the day: What kind of music do shoemakers love?
Answer: Sole music. :)

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