Greetings young Pomonans! Today we are featuring our wonderful Friends of the Pomona Public Library. The Friends care about the library by raising funds to support its many programs. One of the ways they do that is to sell used books at a very reasonable price. The pictures here are of the store they opened up a little over a year ago. Or has it been two years? I can't remember. It's like it has been there all along. The Friends volunteer to staff it.
They also have a once a month (2nd Saturdays) book sale. It is located in the basement and you access it from our parking lot. They sell a lot of books here including hardbacks, paperbacks, non-fiction, biographies, children's books, magazines and more! These books might not be as nice looking as the ones inside the Friends bookstore but they are priced accordingly.
Remember also that the Friends accept books if you would like to donate them. The books we don't need to add to the collection will be given to the Friends to sell. That is one way you can help your community after you have finished a book!
So march forth into the library and visit our Friends. They are very nice people!
Joke of the day: What books to owls read?
Answer: Who-dunits. :)
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