Everyone in our community is asked to join together to read, To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee. This is such a great book and we are able to share it with children by taking themes of the book and doing stories and crafts that go with that theme.
This Thursday, October 2nd from 3:00-4:00pm we will be doing just that. The theme for Thursday is "African Americans in the 1930's" Yesterday I posted two of the stories we will do. Tomorrow I will post a picture of the craft. The craft we (Grandma Sue) decided to do was a wind chime. Wind chimes were placed around the porch and families would spend summer evenings on their porches listening to wind chimes in the background. Life was at a slower pace than we are used to today. Today we are so busy going to school and soccer practice and to this play date and that play date. Maybe we can take these wind chimes and sit around enjoying each other for a change. So come in and make a wind chime and chill. :)
Joke of the day: What do you call a bee born in May?
Answer: A Maybe. :)
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
The Big Read 2008 Is Here!

Once again the City of Pomona is hosting a big read. This year the book is: To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee. Since this isn't a
children's book, we will have weekly story times and crafts every Thursday afternoon in October from 3:00-4:00pm. We will do themes based on the book. This Thursday we will be doing stories about African Americans in the 1930's. We will be doing stories such as Goin' Some place Special
by Patricia Mckissack and Daddy's Gift, by Margaree King Mitchell. Grandma Sue will be doing the Crafts.
Here is our schedule for the week:
Monday September 29: 12:00-2:00pm Elf
Tuesday September 30: 12:15pm Preschool story time
3:00pm After school story time
4:00-6:00pm Homework Center
Wednesday October 1: 3:30-4:30 Grandparents and Books
4:00-6:00pm Homework Center
Thursday October 2: 12:15pm Infant Story time
3:00-4:00pm The Big Read Story time and craft.
4:00-6:00pm Homework Center
Come on in and join us in these fun activities. We are also here for you in finding information for your reports.
Joke of the day: Why did the silly guest take a bowl of salsa with him when he went into the pool?
Answer: His host said, "Please take a dip in my pool"! :)
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Early Pomona, by Mickey Gallivan and the Historical Society of Pomona

I'm reading this great book! It's all about our City of Pomona in the early years. It is filled with great pictures like this one of the first Pomona Public Library.
When I was in Scottsbluff, Nebraska last month, I blogged a picture of their Carnegie Library. This one is ours. Andrew Carnegie was a United States industrialist and philanthropist who gave money for education and public libraries. Our library was built in 1902 and completed in 1903. Ten years later it was considered too small and an addition was built.
This other picture was taken of the Pomona Public Library in 1969. I've seen better pictures taken in later years but this one was in our digital collection. Our Carnegie Library no longer exists but we do have wonderful pictures of it. Come into the library, go downstairs and you can see pictures of our Carnegie library, the extended Carnegie, and our own library as it exists today.
Also when you are in the library, go to our Friends of the Library bookstore and purchase Mickey's book: Early Pomona by Mickey Gallivan and the Historical Society of the Pomona Valley. You can get a signed edition! The other picture you see is of the Friend's bookstore. Stop on in!
Joke of the day: What do you call a fly with no wings?
Answer: A walk. :)
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Car Over the Edge at PPL Parking Lot

Don't let this happen to you! I really don't know what happened but soon the buzz all over the library was about this car. (You wouldn't believe how fast things travel around here!) I went to look out the window and sure enough I saw this car and a police officer. Soon the tow truck came and I ran for my camera.
Many of you would be surprised at what happens in a public library. It really is not the stereotypical boring place that libraries have a reputation for. Our former Library Director, Hal Watson, used to say: "I could write a book about the things that happened in a public library but no one would believe me." It's very true.
Come in sometime if you would like some true stories. But be prepared to stay awhile. Sometimes non-fiction is better that fiction. :)
Joke of the day: What sometimes defies the largest of automobiles?
Answer: Gravity. :)
car over the edge,
Hal Watson,
public libraries
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Eric Carle Day at Preschool Story Time

Today at preschool story time we had stories by a favorite author, Eric Carle. We heard "The Very Busy Spider", "The Very Lonely Firefly", "The Very Quiet Cricket", and of course, "The Very Hungry Caterpillar". I read the first three but used a story telling apron for the last one. It is like wearing a felt board but it is really velcro. You put the pieces on the apron you are wearing. This frees your hands up to put a caterpillar puppet on your right arm. You actually put the food in the caterpillar's mouth so he actually eats it. Doing this for years and being egged on by many a preschooler, I usually have the caterpillar "burp" after each bite. For some reason the kids just belly laugh and that gets me going...
After story time we have a play time with educational materials available for the kids. We are not having the attendance we used to have when our time was at 10:15am. Hopefully we can adjust and reach out to others.
Joke of the day: How does Old MacDonald send messages?
Answer: By e-i-e-i-o-mail! :)
Monday, September 22, 2008
Blogging convention a success!

The blogging convention in Las Vegas this last weekend was a lot of fun. There were about 500 participants (give or take) and we were from all walks of life! Young people, middle aged and elderly were there. One elderly woman seemed to know everything there was to know about blogging. She was inspirational. She also had her own laptop so she was either taking notes or blogging about the class!
The pictures here are of the Las Vegas Convention Center and the Clark county library where I blogged my post on Friday. I had taken other pictures of other Las Vegas familiar sights but I had my camera on video mode by mistake. It was to bad because I rode the monorail and had some good shots.
Anyway, I'm glad to be back here in good old Pomona. Below are our activities for the week:
Monday: 12:00-2:00pm Elf
Tuesday: 12:15pm Preschool and toddler story time.
3:00pm After school story time grades K through 6.
4:00-6:00pm Homework Center
Wednesday: 3:30-4:30pm Grandparents and Books
4:00-6:00pm Homework Center
Thursday: 12:15pm Infant story time.
4:00-6:00pm Homework Center
Joke of the day: Why did the police go to the baseball stadium?
Answer: They heard someone was stealing bases. :)
Friday, September 19, 2008
In Las Vegas!
Greetings from Las Vegas, NV. I'm at a Clark County Library using the public computers. I only have ten more minutes so I better talk fast.
I registered for my blogging workshop when I got here. Then I registered at the hotel and came here to the library. This library is beautiful! I'll post pictures when I get back. The third floor of the library is for children and teens. It's huge and beautiful! They also have a storyhour room in there but ours is better. Honestly, theirs looks more like a untility room. Ours looks more like a theater.
This computer room is in the basement. It's huge as well. Every computer is filled and they are booked up for the rest of the day. I'm at a 15 minute express station and I'm freaked that my time will be cut off any moment. This will be the only time I have to blog this weekend so I'll have to sign off now and fill you in on everything on Monday.
Have a great weekend young Pomonans!!
Joke of the day: (Sorry I can't make one up right now because I'm freaked about the time!!)
I registered for my blogging workshop when I got here. Then I registered at the hotel and came here to the library. This library is beautiful! I'll post pictures when I get back. The third floor of the library is for children and teens. It's huge and beautiful! They also have a storyhour room in there but ours is better. Honestly, theirs looks more like a untility room. Ours looks more like a theater.
This computer room is in the basement. It's huge as well. Every computer is filled and they are booked up for the rest of the day. I'm at a 15 minute express station and I'm freaked that my time will be cut off any moment. This will be the only time I have to blog this weekend so I'll have to sign off now and fill you in on everything on Monday.
Have a great weekend young Pomonans!!
Joke of the day: (Sorry I can't make one up right now because I'm freaked about the time!!)
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Las Vegas, Nevada
Yours truly will be in Las Vegas, Nevada this weekend! And why would I go to such a place? To gamble? NO! To party? NO! I'm going to the 2008 blogger's convention held at the Las Vegas Convention Center! YES! We started this blog last January and I pretty much don't know what I'm doing. I'm hoping to take a course in journalism and one on the legalities of blogging. If I don't learn anything else, I'm hoping to learn more in these areas. Oh, and if I catch a show, okay. Cher will be there but her tickets for the highest of balcony seats is more than I can or will part with.
Another place I want to go in Vegas is to one of their public libraries. Hopefully I can do that tomorrow and post from there. I will be in workshops all of Saturday and Sunday. So have a GREAT weekend, Pomona. I'll miss you.
Joke of the day: What did you learn in school today?
Answer: Not enough. I have to go back tomorrow! :)
Another place I want to go in Vegas is to one of their public libraries. Hopefully I can do that tomorrow and post from there. I will be in workshops all of Saturday and Sunday. So have a GREAT weekend, Pomona. I'll miss you.
Joke of the day: What did you learn in school today?
Answer: Not enough. I have to go back tomorrow! :)
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Talk Like a Pirate Day a Success!

Flags were created today. It's funny how different each one is. We show a sample of our craft and everyone comes up with their own twist. Two of my favorites had red hearts where the eyes were supposed to be and it looked like the skeleton had blood shot eyes!
Our homework center opened yesterday and I was surprised how crowded it was. It was great to see kids having fun doing their homework. They usually get one on one help and they enjoy the attention as well. As I have said this before, it really is a win win situation. College students enjoy helping children and the children enjoy the help.
Remember: the homework center is open Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 4-6pm.
Joke of the day: Who invented a plane that couldn't fly?
Answer: The Wrong Brothers! :)
Monday, September 15, 2008
International Talk Like a Pirate Day / Weekly Activities

Arr..ahoy maties! This coming Friday, September 19th is International Talk Like a Pirate Day! Since we have more staff and we are busier on Wednesday rather than Friday, we are celebrating it on Wednesday September 17th at 3:00pm. We are making these pirate flags. Cool! While guys kind of like this day more than girls, remember that they have to address us as "me beauty." That has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? :) Come in and have fun!
This is our schedule this week:
Monday 9/15/08
12:00 - 2:00pm Come play at Elf. Elf stands for Early Learning Families and we have our story hour room open for infants and toddlers to play. We have toys that children this age love to play with and fun music playing in the background. So far today we have had 13 kids and their care givers who say they had a great time. Come in and check it out!
Tuesday 9/16/08
12:15pm Preschool and Toddler Story time. This group is for ages 2 through 5. Ms.
Lois will be here with you.
3:00pm New after school story time. This group is for grades K through 4. Ms. Lois is here with you.
4:00 - 6:00pm. Homework Assistance Center. Today our friends at Cal Poly Pomona will be opening the homework center. This is for grades 1 through 6. Charlene and Heather plus other Cal Poly students will be here with you.
Wednesday 9/17/08
3:00pm Craft. We are making the flags you see in this picture. Grandma Sue will be here with you.
3:30pm Grandparents and books: This is an informal come and go time where you can listen to a story or practice reading aloud. Grandma Jean will be here with you.
4:00 - 6:00pm Homework Assistance Center
Thursday 9/18/08
12:15pm Infant story time. This group is for ages 0-2. In many ways it is like our Elf program but children will hear short stories, sing songs, and have finger plays.
Grandma Sue will be here with you.
4:00 - 6:00pm Homework Assistance Center.
We've got lots of great things going on so come on in!
Joke of the day: What boat is always sorry for itself?
Answer: A woe-boat! :)
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Pirate Craft Coming Next Week
Yarrr Maties, bring your pirate voices next Wednesday for a pirate craft! Keep the date of September 17th at 3:00pm open so you can come to the library. Grandma Sue is cooking up a crafty pirate flag of some sort. Sorry, everyone, crafts just aren't my thing. I don't understand a lot of it but I know most of you like crafts. Thank goodness for Grandma Sue!
There was an interesting article in the Daily Bulletin last Sunday. A local author from Upland wrote a children' book. Here is the information if you care to look it up:
Fudge, Benjamin. "Enrique Speaks With His Hands".
It's published by Signs of Love. More information: www.signsoflove.org
Cost: $16.95
Joke of the day: Why did the housekeeper refuse to clean the computer?
Answer: She refused to do Windows! :)
There was an interesting article in the Daily Bulletin last Sunday. A local author from Upland wrote a children' book. Here is the information if you care to look it up:
Fudge, Benjamin. "Enrique Speaks With His Hands".
It's published by Signs of Love. More information: www.signsoflove.org
Cost: $16.95
Joke of the day: Why did the housekeeper refuse to clean the computer?
Answer: She refused to do Windows! :)
Monday, September 8, 2008
LA County Fair Parade, Sept. 5, 2008

We had a great time at the parade again this year. As always, it was hot, crowded, and the food smelled great. We had a great time. Our City of Pomona truck was driven by our good friend John from Community Services. As you can tell from the pictures, our truck was in front of the Pomona Police vehicles and I got a candid shot of our Chief Joe Romero. All of us in the truck yelled "Hi Chief!" Maybe that's why he's not smiling...
The pictures of all of us in the truck didn't turn out so well and the individual pictures turned out much better. I was holding our big read book for this year: "To Kill a Mockingbird," by Harper Lee. Our Senior Administrative Assistant, Maura Montellano, made signs we held up in the back of the truck such as, "Book lovers never go to bed alone." And "Libraries: Medicine Chest of the Soul." We chanted, "Knowledge is free at the Library!" A lot of people waved back and cheered for the Library. It was GREAT fun! We'll do it all again next year!
Joke of the day: What do you call cheese that's not yours?
Answer: Nacho cheese! :)
Friday, September 5, 2008
The Homework Assistance Center

Our homework center is getting ready to open! This was a huge success last Spring and Cal Poly Pomona is making it happen again. We got rave reviews from both children and their parents about what a great help this center gives our children.
Here in these pictures are staff from Cal Poly: Charlene, Heather, Joel, Sandra, and little Jezebel.
Mark this date on your calendars: September 16, 2008. The homework center is a free service to children from grades 1 through 6. They will be open Tuesdays through Thursdays from 4:00pm until 6:00pm. I have seen them stay late when a child's project was due the next day. Staffing the room are volunteers from Cal Poly University here in Pomona. Help spread the word so even more kids can take advantage of the center.
Story times begin this coming week! Here is our schedule:
Tuesday Sept. 9: 12:15 Preschool story time
3:00pm After school story time
Wednesday Sept. 10: 3:30-4:30pm Grandparents and Books with Grandma Jean.
Thursday Sept. 11: 12:15pm Infant story time
It's Pomona day at the Los Angeles County Fair!! Be sure and pay attention to the parade at 5:00pm. The library will be represented!!
Joke of the day: What did the meteorite say when asked to give a quote?
Answer: "No Comet." :)
homework center,
L A county fair,
story times
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Los Angeles County Fair
Hey all you fair goers...The Los Angeles County Fair begins tomorrow! The library will be represented in the parade. Yours truly and several of my co-workers will be riding in the back of a truck similar to this one in the picture. We have soooo much fun every year. Last year I carried a book, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows", and people wanted me to throw it to them! I think not!
This year I will be armed with my camera. Fear not...those who do not wish to appear on our lovely blog will remain off and those who do will be famous! :)
Joke of the day: Why can't you trust information at the Fair?
Answer: Because they only give out Fair information! :)
This year I will be armed with my camera. Fear not...those who do not wish to appear on our lovely blog will remain off and those who do will be famous! :)
Joke of the day: Why can't you trust information at the Fair?
Answer: Because they only give out Fair information! :)
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Mission San Xavier, Tuscon, Arizona

Every fourth grader in California has studied the California Missions. This mission is in Tuscon, Arizona and it is beautiful! As you can see, both the outside and inside are more elaborate than ours in California.
According to their flyer, "A National Historic Landmark, San Xavier Mission was founded as a Catholic mission by Father Eusebio Kino in 1692. Construction of the current church began in 1783.
The oldest intact European structure in Arizona, the church's interior is filled with marvelous original statuary and mural paintings. It is a place where visitors can truly step back in time and enter an authentic 19th Century space."
It truly is beautiful. If you are ever in Tuscon, it is worth the visit.
Joke of the Day: Why did the cookie turn green?
Answer: It was feeling crummy. :)
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Back from vacation!

It's GREAT to be back at the Pomona Public Library! I had some good times on my vacation and for the next several days I will be posting about them. I'll start out with Scottsbluff, Nebraska. Scottsbluff is a familiar spot on the Oregon Trail. Many pioneers came this way so seek a new life out west. My great-grandparents settled in this area. Gering, Nebraska is where they located and they had a great view of Scottsbluff from their farm. My Mother and her twin brother were born here and were raised on a dairy farm. I have many happy memories visiting every summer on vacations.
These pictures were taken at Scottsbluff National Monument. You can see the wagon ruts that were formed from the wagon trains heading west. My little cousin, Austin, is standing next to one. Just standing near them makes you feel like you're standing in history.
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