Today at preschool story time we had stories by a favorite author, Eric Carle. We heard "The Very Busy Spider", "The Very Lonely Firefly", "The Very Quiet Cricket", and of course, "The Very Hungry Caterpillar". I read the first three but used a story telling apron for the last one. It is like wearing a felt board but it is really velcro. You put the pieces on the apron you are wearing. This frees your hands up to put a caterpillar puppet on your right arm. You actually put the food in the caterpillar's mouth so he actually eats it. Doing this for years and being egged on by many a preschooler, I usually have the caterpillar "burp" after each bite. For some reason the kids just belly laugh and that gets me going...
After story time we have a play time with educational materials available for the kids. We are not having the attendance we used to have when our time was at 10:15am. Hopefully we can adjust and reach out to others.
Joke of the day: How does Old MacDonald send messages?
Answer: By e-i-e-i-o-mail! :)
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