Attention all you adults out there: Today was also the beginning of the Adult Reading Program. This is the third year we have offered this and you actually get prizes as well. Please come in for the details at the adult reference desk.
To all you young Pomonans: It was great to see you all today! So far 99 children signed up today as did 16 teens. Remember to read your five hours this week and come in to pick up your prizes next week!
See you here at the fabulous PPL!
Joke of the day: Why did Humpty Dumpty have a great fall?
Answer: To make up for a really bad summer! ;)
(So make sure to come into the library so you'll have a great summer!)
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Wednesday Programs July 7 - August 11 / Party August 18, 2010
All programs are from 3:30-4:30pm.
Wednesday July 7: Puppet Show by Swazzle. We had Swazzle last year and this is a full fledged professional puppet show. They make their own puppets and do this work full time. They even added a segment of shadow puppets. After the show he shows you inside the puppet theater and tells you how the puppet are made! Don't miss this!
Wednesday July 14: Bubble Show with Bubblemania. This is our first time having Bubblemania but we've heard great things. He makes bubbles of all sizes and may even include you! Don't miss this!
Wednesday July 21: Magician Abbit the Average. (Pictured above.) This is one of my all time favorite shows. Jeff Abbit has become a good friend over the years. I love how he interacts with children and his sense of humor is hysterical. He is a professional magician and juggler and all around good guy. You don't even want to miss this!
Wednesday July 28: Wildlife Wonders was with us last year. They bring amazing wild animals. Last year they brought a baby alligator. He was awesome! I remember hearing a lot of ooohs and ahhhs and we learned a lot about each animal. Don't miss this!
August 4: Story teller Michael McCarty. This is Michael's first apperance here at PPL. I saw him perform at a performers showcase I attended. Michael memorizes his stories and has great eye contact with the audience. He is animated and includes children in his performance. Don't miss this!
August 11: The children of Pomona will perform in this Puppet Readers Theater. Sign up now at the Childrens desk if you want to be a part of this group. This group is like acting but you get to read your part from a script that you hold. You will be given several scripts and we will choose who will read what part. When you have been given your parts, you will make a puppet of each character. I have been given a puppet theater and you all will perform with your puppets in this theater. It is going to be great fun! Don't miss out on this opportunity to perform!
August 18th will be our party for all who read at least five hours in the reading program. This year we will have musician Craig Newton perform and play a bunch of different instruments. Craig has been here several times and we always have a great time. Some of us have been known to start dancing... You don't want to miss this!
We have a wonderful summer planned for all of you. We are the best deal in town because everything is free - even the air conditioning! Bring your friends and family and join us for a great summer! See you here at the amazing Pomona Public Library!!!
Joke of the day: What is the most musical bone?
Answer: The trom - bone! (I think Craig Newton plays several of them...) ;)
Friday, June 25, 2010
Summer Reading Program and Reading Buddies 2010

As you remember, we keep track of the hours you read. We give you a reading log that easily tracks your time. After reading five hours, bring it in and we give you some prizes. We give prizes out for five, ten, fifteen, and twenty hours. For teens, we give prizes up to thirty hours.
Read at your reading level what ever you like such as adventure, mysteries, non-fiction, scary stories, etc.
If elementary students would like to practice reading with a college age or high school student, you can sign up for the Reading Buddy Program. And teens, if you would like to help a child read, you can sign up to be a mentor.
We have terrific programs headed our way that I will post about tomorrow.
See you here! PPL is the place to be!!!!
We are AWESOME! (And modest...) ;)
Joke of the day: When do truck drivers stop to eat?
Answer: When they see a fork in the road. ;)
Reading Buddies,
Summer Reading Program
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Make a Splash @ Your Library!
Good Tuesday, young Pomonans! Tomorrow is your last day of school. Are you sad? Don't be! The Pomona Public Library is the place to be! Our theme this year is: Make a Splash @ Your Library for the children's program and Make Waves @ Your Library for our teens.
We will begin the Summer Reading Program next Tuesday, June 29, 2010. You can come into the library any time we are open to sign up. Then beginning the 7th of July we will have programs every Wednesday at 3:30pm. We have some great programs lined up including a Bubble program. What is that you say? Come and find out!!
We will give you reading logs that will help you keep track of the hours you have read. When you have finished five hours, have one of your parents sign it and return it to the library for prizes!! As you know from the past, we give out good prizes and everyone has a great time.
So don't miss out, come to the reading program! I'll be posting weekly the program for the next week so check back in often.
See you here!
Joke of the day: What do you call the biggest computer you can buy?
Answer: A Big Mac! ;)
We will begin the Summer Reading Program next Tuesday, June 29, 2010. You can come into the library any time we are open to sign up. Then beginning the 7th of July we will have programs every Wednesday at 3:30pm. We have some great programs lined up including a Bubble program. What is that you say? Come and find out!!
We will give you reading logs that will help you keep track of the hours you have read. When you have finished five hours, have one of your parents sign it and return it to the library for prizes!! As you know from the past, we give out good prizes and everyone has a great time.
So don't miss out, come to the reading program! I'll be posting weekly the program for the next week so check back in often.
See you here!
Joke of the day: What do you call the biggest computer you can buy?
Answer: A Big Mac! ;)
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Some "Tunneling Good Fun" at Infant Story Time!

Joke of the day: What did our infants do in story time today?
Answer: They tunneled their way out of trouble! ;)
Local Art

Kudos to you, Victoria, and to your mom for letting us put it on display and for letting me post it on the blog. You did a great job!
Joke of the day: What is an archaeologist?
Answer: Someone whose career is in ruins! ;)
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Reading Buddy Program to Begin June 29, 2010

The "Practice Makes Perfect Reading Buddy Program" is a volunteer program with high school and college students helping elementary school students improve their reading skills. The reading mentors will work with readers on a one-to-one basis in half-hour (30 minute) sessions. Readers may have only 1 half-hour (30 minute) session per day. They may practice up to two days each week.
This program is not meant to take the place of Summer School or tutoring. Only readers who read on their own are eligible to participate in this program. Children entering first (1st) grade who are already reading will be eligible. Mentors will not teach children how to read. Reading times are Mondays and Tuesdays from 12:00pm to 4:00pm.
Due to the nature of volunteering, we cannot guarantee that mentors will always be available to read with children in Spanish.
Since our new hours will be Monday through Thursday 12:00-7:00pm, our Reading Buddy days will only be Monday and Tuesdays. Our Summer Reading performers day will be on Wednesdays from 3:30-4:30pm. We also will be open on Saturdays from 12:00-5:00pm so you can come in and turn in your reading hours. I will be explaining that program in a few days.
You must register with us for the Reading Buddy Program. Come in anytime now and fill out an application so you can be ready when we begin on June 29th.
This is really a GREAT program! Children get attention from older kids and the older kids get great pleasure in helping the young ones. If you need help picking out a book, Ms. Nissa and I will be more than happy to help you. (There are other books out there besides Wimpy Kid...) ;)
Take care and we will see you here at the Pomona Public Library!!
Joke of the day: Why did the nose refuse to go to school?
Answer: It was tired of being picked on! ;)
Thursday, June 10, 2010
New Library Hours at the Pomona Public Library

First of all I'd like to say that our Library director, Greg Shapton, did the best he could possibly do in a difficult situation. He kept us as staff together as a team and we are very grateful for that. Here are the new hours:
Monday through Wednesday: 12:00pm to 7:00pm
Thursday, Friday, and Sunday: Closed
Saturday: 12:00pm to 5:00pm
Remember that we are still here for you! The Summer Reading Program will be happening as usual as well as our Reading Buddies. More on that next week.
So hang in there my young friends and come in to see us. You are still very loved at the library.
Joke of the day: What did the wood cutter's wife say to her husband in December?
Answer: Not many chopping days left until Christmas! ;)
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Pomona Public Library Has Scrappy Toys!

Thanks to Ren for thinking about the children of Pomona!
Joke of the day: What do Alexander the Great and Winnie the Pooh have in common?
Answer: They both have "the" as their middle names! ;)
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Plum Tuckered Out!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Humans in Space Symposium Youth Art Competition

Good day, young Pomonans! Our own Pride in Garfield Park sent this to me today to tell all of you about. It sounds like a great opportunity for you. Here it is:

I am pleased to announce the opening of the International Academy of
Astronautics Humans in Space Symposium Youth Art Competition! Please
learn about the Competition by visiting to the competition.
This online competition invites children aged 10-17 years old to express
what they think about the future of human space exploration via
literary, visual, musical or video art. Artists’ entries must be
received by September 30, 2010 in order to participate in the
competition. The winners will have their art displayed in an online
gallery and will be invited to attend the Humans in Space Symposium in
Houston, TX in April 2011. Please tell any youth who might be interested
about the Art Competition and encourage them to submit an entry!
Also, as you know, the competition must be very well advertised
worldwide, or it will not be a success. Thus, if you don’t mind, please
email out the competition website link to all education groups, schools,
space-associated entities, youth organizations, arts groups, businesses,
community groups, etc. Please also forward the attached flyer, either
as is or after adapting it to be more suitable for your local
environment, so that people receiving your email can have a printable
announcement to put up on bulletin boards or to hand distribute. Please
feel free to also print out flyers yourselves to manually distribute or
post for display.
Thank you in advance for your effort to advertise the Art Competition. I
sincerely hope that we will have youth participating from around the
world in this competition.
Jancy C. McPhee, Ph.D.
Associate Program Scientist
Human Research Program
NASA-Johnson Space Center/USRA
2101 NASA Parkway, Bldg. 37, Rm. 1062, MC SK
Houston, TX 77058
Tel: (281) 244-6434 Fax: (281) 483-2888
Joke of the day: What is high in the sky that you see every night?
Answer: Space art! ;)

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