The pioneer craft went well and the gingerbread was wonderful! Our own Pomona Bakery made the gingerbread muffins and they were really good! They were easy to work with and we will definitely go back and back to them.
The picture with the boy holding the paper lantern has a story to it. This is Anthony and he has been coming to the library most of his life. He went through story times and the reading programs as well as the gingerbread sociables. But has Anthony ever won anything? Not until today! Today Anthony won the paper lantern that Ms. Helton made. It was great!! At one point I wanted to give Anthony a "good citizenship" award for being such a good sport. But Anthony's number finally came up and we are glad!
Thanks to all of you who came today to support our program. It really was fun!
Joke of the day: Why did the pioneers cross the country in covered wagons?
Answer: Because they didn't want to wait 40 years for a train. ;)
Hi Ms. Lois we had fun this year at the gingerbread sociable like every year. Anthony thinks he is famous now because he saw his picture in your blog. That's was a great picture. See you next week for story time.
Anthony IS famous now!! Mr. Big is sad that his mom won't allow him to be photographed, but then again he didn't win a lantern like Anthony. It was nice to see everyone again, and the gingerbread muffins were D-licious.
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