Good morning, young Pomonans! We were given a Jackie O. Doll. She is beautiful. We will have her in the shelving soon so come on down and see her. A patron called on Monday and asked if we would like her. Of course! She had been sitting in a closet for 15 years and now will be on display here at the library. She really is beautiful. She has authenticating papers and everything. It is supposed to be a replica of what she wore to a state dinner in India.
In other news, we will be having Infant Story time this afternoon. If you are near the library, come on down. We play with toys and listen to stories and songs. I hope you are not getting bored on your spring break! If so come on down and get on the computers or read a good book. :)
Joke of the day: Knock, Knock.
Whose there?
My Panther
My Panther who?
My Panthers falling down! :)
Many of you have been coming in. We were pretty busy this week. It reminds us of summer vacation so it's a lot of fun! See you here!
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