Good day, young Pomonans! Wow, I think I saw each and every one of you yesterday! We haven't been that busy in a long time. It was wonderful! Unfortunately, right in the middle of all the fun we lost power. Not once but twice! The first time we had a back up system of sorts but soon that went out as well. We had to evacuate the building and some of you actually waited the hour or so until we opened again. It was quite an experience! I've been here at PPL (20 years in August) and I can truly say that you never know what is going to happen around here. It has made a wonderful experience. These pictures show you what it was like in the library without lights. The top picture was taken on the staircase near the elevator and the others were taken upstairs near the children's room.
I hope to see all of you and more today!
Joke of the day: How did Noah see in the dark?
Answer: By Ark-lights and flood lights! ;)
Thank you, Ms. Lois, for a wonderful story time today. Baby and I enjoyed our time at the library and look forward to our next visit! Please keep us posted on the puppets in the park plans. We'd love to help get the word out around Garfield Park!!
It was wonderful to meet you, Pride! I'm so glad you and baby are coming to our infant story time!
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