I especially appreciated the Village Academy kids being the grand marshalls. They really made a difference in their own lives as well as ours. Imagine being responsible for the President coming to town! Well done Village Academy!
I wanted to post these pictures on Saturday but we were having trouble with the computers. So you have them now! Be sure to check out Metro Pomona and Pomona Arts Colonist for more pictures.
Our schedule this week is:
Tuesday: 11:45am Preschool story time
4-6pm Homework help center
Wednesday: 3:30pm Grandparents and books
4-6pm Homework help center
Thursday: 11:45am Infant story time
4:00pm Holiday craft
4-6pm Homework help center
Joke of the day: Why is lightning so hard to catch?
Answer: Because it bolts! ;)
And imges of pomona at
You're absolutely right Ren. I apologize. I watched your video of the parade before I even uploaded my photos!
Also all Pomonans out there this is a great blog for anything Pomona. Pictures, news and good humor too!
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