Happy Monday, young Pomonans! We are officially counting down the days to our Sociable. This Saturday from 1:00pm to 4:00pm we will be having fun at our Sociable. Ken Frawley and Christy Lewis will be performing cowboy/cowgirl stories and songs as well as performing rope tricks. Since Saturday, February 7th is Laura's actual birthday, we will be having birthday cake and punch. I'll drag out my guitar and we can sing happy birthday to her as well. I've never actually sung to a dead person before but I think Laura would really like it if she were here.
Feel free to dress up in period costume. Not everyone does but we usually have some that do. Personally, those bonnets would seriously get on my nerves but some like to wear them.
This is a fun, free, family event. You'll be tapping your toes and humming along to familiar tunes. It helps us to remember our past. They didn't even have electricity let alone I-pods. :)
These pictures above are pictures of the original handwritten manuscript of Little Town on the Prairie. Laura hand wrote all her books and this manuscript she sent to Miss Webber who was the first Children's Librarian at the Pomona Public Library. This is the only manuscript on the west coast and we are very proud to house it. Come in and see it!
I'll see you here this Saturday!!
Joke of the day: Where do cowboys go to ride horses and be impolite?
Answer: To a rude-eo! :)
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