After almost a year of blogging, I haven't written about our connection to Laura Ingalls Wilder. Our children's room is named "The Laura Ingalls Wilder Room." Pomona's first children's librarian, Clara Webber, loved the little house books. She corresponded with Laura and we have those letters on display. Ms. Webber invited Laura to our dedication of the children's room but she was unable to come. She sent instead the original manuscript where she hand wrote the book, "Little Town on the Prairie." We have it on public display enclosed in a glass case. These pictures show the manuscript and other artifacts on display. We have first edition signed books, and translations of other books and the dolls represent the different cultures that the language of the book is in.
I took a close up picture of the wooden dolls that represent the Ingall's family. You can see Pa, Ma, Mary, Laura, and Carrie. Against one of our walls you can see the states where they traveled along with the names of the books in the order that they should be read.
I took a picture of a picture at one of our Laura Ingalls Wilder Gingerbread Sociables. You may recognize Melissa Sue Anderson who played Mary on the TV series of "Little House on the Prairie." She came to Pomona to help promote the TV series and to sign autographs.
So come on in and look around. It's one of the best kept secrets in Pomona and we would like to change that. :)
Joke of the day: How does a Pokemon sneeze?
Answer: Pik-achu! :)
What a lovely set of pictures. I visited Pomona's best-kept secret (which wasn't much of a secret since it's the only thing I knew about Pomona and the only reason I went there!) 8 years ago and had such a wonderful experience! I hope someday to return! Thanks for a great post!
Thanks for commenting, Frontier Girl. When you come back make sure we give you the grand tour!
Oh how I've heard that Pokemon joke before.
It's a shame that the others don't get much attention. )"=
Y'know, I don't think I've actually read the letters.
I hope to visit one day. I did order LIW microfilm from your library. The staff was very friendly and helpful. They responded quickly to email inquiries.
Thank you very much for posting this. The photos are especially great. I looked for a way to contact you directly to thank you, but couln't find one. I wanted to ask if you knew anything about the carved figures in the 8th photo down. I've been trying to identify who made them and when. If I had known somebody from Pomona was going to be at Spenser I would have been tempted to drive over. I spoke there on Laura last year. It's a real nice town.
I responded to your blog with a blog entry of my own below:
Sarah Sue,
Thanks for your comments. I haven't been at work all week so I haven't asked about the wooden carvings. I'm pretty sure Miss Webber had them made but I will look into it and find out. I can't wait to check out your blog!
Thank you for posting this wonderful blog entry! I am a fan of Mrs. Wilder, and love a good library, too, so I'm sure I'd find your Laura Ingalls Wilder Room a heavenly place.
I have a question about the sixth photo from the top: Do you know the identity of the woman pictured in the wood-framed portrait behind the teapot on the top shelf?
Thanks so much.
Yes. The woman in the portrait is Liza Jane Wilder Thayer. As you know, this was Almonzo's sister.
If you're ever in Pomona I hope you stop by.
Thank you so much for replying, Ms. Lois!
Hey there, I just wanted to let fans of Highway To Heaven that the show has a new home on GMC (Gospel Music Channel). You can watch the show weekdays at 8 & 9 AM and 1 & 2 PM on DirecTV Channel 338, Verizon FiOs 224 or check your local cable. For more, visit watchgmctv.com.
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