Monday, December 3, 2012
Story Time to Begin Again at PPL!
Tuesdays: 10:15am Preschool children ages 2-5.
Wednesdays: 2:30pm Family story time all ages.
On December 18th the library is changing its hours from 10:00am to 3:00pm to 2:00pm to 7:00pm. When that happens our Tuesday preschool program will be at 2:30pm as well.
What good news for all of us at the Pomona Public Library!!
Joke of the day: How do you know carrots are good for your eyes?
Answer: Because you never see rabbits wearing glasses! ;)
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Story Time is back at PPL in time for the holidays!
GREAT news young Pomonans! Story time will begin again December 4th and 5th!!!!
We will have preschool story time on Tuesdays at 10:15am. Come hear some GREAT holiday stories!
On Wednesday afternoons at 2:30pm we will have a story time for whoever wants to come. It will be great to get back into that again as we haven't had story time since July. See you HERE in our story hour room!
Joke of the day: When does Christmas come before Thanksgiving?
Answer: In the dictionary!! ;)
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
In-N-Out to end Saturday
Joke of the day: Have you ever read the peacock?
Answer: It's a beautiful tail! ;)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012
In-N-Out Reading Program at PPL
See you soon! Don't wait too long, Thursday is November already!
Joke of the day: What do you call a duck with fangs? Answer: Count Duckula! ;)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Georgette Baker at The Pomona Public Library
Good Tuesday young Pomonans! These pictures were taken last Wednesday at our program by Georgette Baker. Georgette did a program called "Latin American Adventures." It was a GREAT program where we heard stories and songs in English and Spanish. Everyone enjoyed her very much and even adults from the adult room came to listen. A good time was had by all!
Joke of the day: What lives at the bottom of the sea and carries a lot of fish?
Answer: An octobus! ;)
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
We're Baaaack!
Here are the times we are open: Don't forget them!
Monday: 2pm-7pm
Tuesday: 10am-3pm
Wednesday: 2pm-7pm
Thursday: Closed
Friday: Closed
Saturday: 12pm-5pm
See you here!
Joke of the day: Why did the kid eat his homework?
Answer: Because the teacher said it was a piece of cake! ;)
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Pomona Public Library As We Knew It
We will be closed from August 16th through September 3rd. We will open on September 4th with these new hours:
Monday: 2:00pm-7:00pm.
Tuesday: 10:00am - 3:00pm
Wednesday: 2:00pm-7:00pm
Thursday: Closed
Friday: Closed
Saturday: 12:00pm-5:00pm
Sunday: Closed
I sincerely hope that you will take advantage of these hours. People are working on bringing the library back to its former self but that might take a year or two. Please hang in there with us. You young people are especially precious to us and we want to help you get a good education and teach you that reading is fun.
I'm signing out for now but I will be back in September and I'll begin posting again.
Love you Young Pomonans!
Joke of the day: When you ask a chicken what they love to do best, what do they cluck?
Answer: Book! Book! Book! ;)
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Juggler Daved Cousin Coming July 11th at 3:30pm
THIS WEDNESDAY, JULY 11th AT 3:30pm (Click on picture to enlarge.)
Joke of the day: What did one juggler say to the other juggler?
Answer: What's up? ;)
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Franklin Haynes Marionettes
Good Wednesday young Pomonans! We had a GREAT marionette show today! The marionettes were fabulous and it was a really funny show with a lot of pirate jokes. The show was called "The Princess and the Pirate."
Joke of the day: What's black and white and red all over?
Answer: A zebra with a rash! ;)
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Week One and Two of our Summer Reading Programs
Most of you recognize our first performer of the year. He is our good friend Abbit the Average. He is my all time favorite children's entertainer. Once again he gave his fun and shocking program. By shocking I mean the way he makes things disappear. Not shocking as in electrocuting. You know what I mean.
The second program was Pacific animals. Cindi brought some fun animals. I didn't get a picture of the baby alligator but that one got everybody's attention!
This coming week, June 26th at 3:30pm we will have Franklin Haynes Marionettes. We have not had this program before so be sure to come and check it out. We saw him perform at a showcase we went to and were very impressed. SEE YOU HERE!!
Joke of the day: What did the judge say when a skunk entered the courtroom?
Answer: Odor in the court! ;)
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Saturday, May 26, 2012

Good Saturday young Pomonans!! It's been awhile since I've blogged because google and blogger have changed things and it's taken me longer than I care to admit to catch up!
Our Summer Reading Program starts Monday June 4, 2012!
That's a week from Monday! Our theme for this year is:
Dream Big: Read! It's really simple. All you do is come in and sign up. We give you a reading log to help you track the hours you read. When you have read for five hours, come in and show us your tracker that one of your parents have signed. Then we give you a prize! Is that great or what?? We give out prizes for every 5 hours read up to 20 hours!
Reading Buddies also begins June 4, 2012. To participate in this program you must come in to the library to sign up. Fill out an application and we will put you with either a high school or college student to practice reading for 30 minutes. The hours for this program are: Monday and Tuesday 1-4pm. Wednesday 1-3pm. Come in anytime during those hours and you can practice your reading with an older student.
Teens, we have a program for you! The theme is: Own the Night. Read and record your five hours on your reading log to earn special prizes and entries in our Grand Prize Drawing! You also can participate in our Reading Buddies program. Sign up at the Children's desk to help a young child read!
Adults, we haven't forgotten you. The Adult Reading Program also begins June 4, 2012. Please go to or call our Reference Desk (909) 620-2043 ext. 2701 for details.
See you here at the Pomona Public Library June 4 - July 25, 2012 for all of our Summer Reading Programs for all ages!
Joke of the day: What is smaller than a talking cat?
Answer: A spelling bee! ;)
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Joke of the day: What does a horse and librarian have in common? A tale/tail. :)
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Chocolate Easter Bunny!
For all of you who hide easter candy this Sunday, have fun! These easter bunnies look too cute to eat! Have a great day!
Joke of the day:
What did one egg say to the other egg?
Answer: Egg 'cuse me but I don't get the yoke! (Okay, that was bad even for me!)
Monday, March 12, 2012
Pottery Class Here Saturday March 17th
Thomas Ahern will present an
overview of California 20th Century
pottery, emphasizing some of the early
1900s manufacturers, mid-century
modern pottery, as well as small studio
and commercial studio potters up to
Thomas Ahern is a Certified
Appraiser, Education Coordinator
and Teacher with the College for
Appraisers in Whittier, CA. He is
also on the Acquisitions Committee
of AMOCA, American Museum of
Ceramic Art in Pomona, CA
Saturday March 17, 2012
1:00 – 3:00 PM
Public Conference Room
This Program is FREE
All are welcome to attend
Pomona Public Library
625 S. Garey Avenue, Pomona, CA 91766
909 620-2043 ext. 2701
Joke of the day: What did the kiln say to the clay pot?
Answer: You're fired!! ;)
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Our Prairie Reader's Theater!

Joke of the day: What happens when you throw a green stone in the Red Sea?
Answer: It gets wet!

Thank you to the Whirled Peas Band for bringing Laura's life to us in Pomona, California!
Joke of the day: What's the most slippery nation in the world?
Answer: Greece! ;)
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
The 46th Laura Ingalls Wilder Sociable

One thing that is different this year is that we are having six fourth graders from Ranch Hills Elementary school do a Reader's Theater of one of the stories in Laura's book. They rehearsed today and they did a great job! They will be dressing in period clothing.
After that we will have country western music from the Whirled Peas Band. They also will be in period clothing and will be using instruments such as the banjo, fiddle, and guitar.
After that we will have a craft activity and refreshments. It will be a BLAST!! (And a blast from the past!)
See you all here this Saturday February 4th from 1:00-3:00pm.
Joke of the day: Why did the baseball player take his bat to the library?
Answer: His teacher told him to hit the books! ;)
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Saying Goodbye to Ms. Claudia

If you would like to stop by and say goodbye to her, her last day is tomorrow February 1st. She works 12pm to 5pm.
Please come back and visit us Ms. Claudia!!!
Joke of the day: Why do birds fly south for the winter?
Answer: Because it's too far to walk.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Caldecott Medal 2012
The Newbery and Caldecott awards were announced today.
The Caldecott Medal
Winner: A Ball For Daisy by Chris Raschka
Honor Books:
Blackout by John Rocco
Grandpa Green by Lane Smith
Me...Jane by Patrick McDonnell
We won't have these books for awhile. It's takes us some time to order them. But please come in and pester us about them!
Joke of the day: Why did the bunny cross the road?
Answer: To show his girlfriend that he could hip hop! ;)
Newbery Award Medal 2012
The Newbery and Caldecott book winners have been announced.
The Newbery Awards are:
Medal Winner:
Dead End In Norvelt by Jack Gantos
Honor Books:
Inside Out and Back Again by Thanhha Lai
Breaking Stalin's Nose by Eugene Yelchin
Come in and check them out! Give us several weeks so we can order them.
Joke of the day: Why do you go to bed?
Answer: Because the bed won't go to you! ;)
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Saying Goodbye to Grandma Jean

Our favorite Grandma Jean Roman must resign as our resident Grandma. She has had heath problems and cannot come in to read anymore.
Grandma Jean has spent the last 20 years reading on Wednesday afternoons to our children. She began with other grandparents in a program we started called Grandparents and Books. We had a group of about 15 readers who would rotate reading. Then after about five years only two grandparents were left: Grandma Flo and Grandma Jean. For the last three or four years it has just been Grandma Jean.
Grandma Jean will be missed by all of us. Because of her our Grandparents and Books program lasted twenty years.
Much love to Grandma Jean!
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
We're Back In the Saddle Again!
Good Tuesday, young Pomonans and happy new year! "We're back in the saddle again" means we are back to business as usual. So why didn't I just say that? Good question.
Here are our hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday:
12:00pm - 7:00pm
Sunday, Thursday, Friday:
Our preschool story time is every Tuesday at 12:15pm. This group is for children ages 2-5.
Infant story time is every Wednesday at !2:15pm. This group is for children ages 0-2.
See you here!
Joke of the day: Why does a stork stand on one leg?
Answer: Because it would fall over if it lifted the other one! ;)