Good Wednesday, young Pomonans! Our book of the week is a fun one. It is a non-fiction book (which means it is true). It is about different laws in our country that may seem a little odd. These laws are either in effect now or they were in effect in the past.
Linz, Kathi. "Chickens May Not Cross the Road and Other Crazy (But True) Laws."
Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Co., 2002.
Check these out:
From Paulding, Ohio: "Policemen are allowed to bite a dog if they think it will calm the dog down." (What???)
Baltimore, Maryland: "No one may take a lion to a movie theater." (I bet the Fox Theater is happy about that!)
International Falls, Minnesota: "Cats may not chase dogs up telephone poles." ( Okay....)
Santa Ana, California: "You many not swim on dry land." (No problem....)
Connecticut State Law: "A pickle is not to be sold unless it bounces." (Who's going to test them all out???)
Memphis, Tennessee: "No one may drive while asleep." (I'm glad to hear that...)
And of course: Quitman, Georgia: "Chickens may not cross the road."
Come in and check this book out. It really is hilarious and the illustrations make it even more outrageous!
The call number is:
We have two copies.
See you here at the PPL!!
Joke of the day: Why did the turtle cross the road?
Answer: To get to the shell station! ;)