See you here!!
Joke of the day: What do you call a rooster that crows every morning?
Answer: An alarm cluck! ;)
Good day, young Pomonans! The Summer Reading Program is coming soon! Our theme this year is "One World, Many Stories." Sign ups begin June 20, 2011 and the first day to turn in hours is June 27th.
Our Reading Buddies Program sign ups begin June 20th with the actual program beginning June 27th. This program is where we pair up an elementary student with a high school or college student to practice reading. This is a GREAT program because the younger children like the attention of the older students and the older students like to help the younger ones.
Stop in to the library for applications for the buddy program and for more detailed information about both programs.
See you here this summer!!
Joke of the day: What do you call a short psychic that escaped from jail?
Answer: A small medium at large! (I love this joke!!!) ;)