Hi All,
Ms. Lois should be posting here next week once she returns from her summer vacation. In the meantime, I just wanted to share this news blurb I found from the Pomona Now blog. Pomona Now is apart of the online Daily Bulletin newspaper.
Pomona High band seeks donation of instruments
The Pomona High School Marching Band is in need of help.
During the last two years, the band has grown and now lacks enough musical instruments for its members.
The band and band director Alison Fisher are asking for donations of "gently used" musical instruments.
"Some school marching bands like the parade competitions," Fisher said in a statement.
"Here at Pomona High we're into field competition, and that's been drawing more students to our program. Also, the middle schools have been sending us more and more talented musicians. Now that our band program is rebuilding, our challenge is to make sure everyone has the instruments they need."
In addition to instruments, the band program will accept financial donations. The financial contributions will help cover costs connected with participating in competitions, transportation and repairing instruments, the statement said.
To make a donation or for additional information, call Pomona High band director Alison Fisher at (909) 397-4498, ext.334.
And here's a music-related knock-knock joke for today:
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Accordion who?
Accordion to the TV, it's going to rain tomorrow.
I hope so because I'm done with all this heat! :-P
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
An Afternoon With Buster Balloon

As you can see, we had a great time with Buster Balloon yesterday. He made incredible balloon figures and had children laughing out loud. He put himself in a straight jacket and still made balloon figures with one hand!
Our recreation department was here and made snow cones which was a big hit with all of you. It was a great afternoon and a perfect way to end our Summer Reading Program. Our next big event is the Big Read. All of Pomona will be reading "Call of the Wild". We will be having wildlife programs and crafts.
Have a great rest of the summer. I will be on vacation for the next two weeks but I'll be back in time before school starts.
Our homework help center will re-open in September.
Joke of the day: Did the drum win the contest?
Answer: No it got beat! ;)
Friday, August 7, 2009
Our Current "Resident Teens"

Another joke of the day: What happened when the knife and spoon took a hike?
Answer: They came upon a fork in the road! ;)
Juggling With Mr. Ed

Good Friday, young Pomonans! We had a great time with Mr. Ed yesterday. A lot of you caught on really fast. I don't know how many years in a row that I've taken Mr. Ed's class and I can only juggle scarves not the beanbags!
We started out with the feathers and many of you went right to the beanbags. Not me. Scarves are my speed!
Don't forget that the last day to turn in your reading hours is tomorrow 8/8/09 by 5:15pm. Our end of the reading program party is Wednesday 8/12/09 at 3:30pm. Buster Balloon will be here again and we can't wait!
Those of you who won "Reader of the Week" can take home your pictures and interviews at that time.
We had a really great summer and in some ways it's hard to see it end.
Have a great rest of the summer young Pomonans!
Joke of the day: Can you clean your teeth with a musical instrument?
Answer: Yes, use a tuba toothpaste! ;)
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Pomona Public Library's Talent Show - August 5, 2009

We have been so busy that I haven't had time to blog! It's good to get back to it.
This coming Saturday is the last day to turn in your reading hours. Be sure to come in by then so you can get your prizes. Remember if you read 25 hours you get a free pool pass to either Ganesha or Washington Park pools! That alone is worth all the hours reading (besides it's fun!)
Next Wednesday, August 12, 2009 is our Summer Reading Program Party. You don't want to miss this. We are having Buster Balloon return to do his balloon program again. Be here!
Joke of the day: What do balloons drink at birthday parties?
Answer: Soda pop! ;)
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