One thing I liked very much was they had more staff. They had staff to do the story time and two other staff members to do the puppet show. The more staff you have, the more programs you can do which helps out the children even more. As you can see in one of the pictures they have the same reading program theme as we do. "One World, Many Stories." Most libraries across the United States have the same theme. I love that! I took note on the different ways they were using the theme. I get most of my "original" ideas from other libraries! ;)
As you go on vacation this summer, try to visit different libraries. It's a lot of fun and you can compare your own library to theirs. Which do you like better? It doesn't matter because you can make your own library really great. Talk to us! That's what we are here for!
Have a fabulous summer and see you here!!
Joke of the day: Why does the snake lose all of his arguments?
Answer: Because he doesn't have a leg to stand on. ;)
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